All charts and tables below reflect the data release on 10/29/2021 from the VAERS website, which includes U.S. and foreign data, and is updated through: 10/22/2021
High-Level SummaryCOVID19 vaccines (Dec’2020 – present)All other vaccines 1990-present US Data Only
COVID19 vaccines (Dec’2020 – present)
US Data Only
All other vaccines 1990-present
Number of Adverse Reactions837,595839,945622,743738,411
Number of Life-Threatening Events19,583 13,7059,5559,780
Number of Hospitalizations86,54278,95637,98638,429
Number of Deaths17,619* 9,1968,0685,164
# of Permanent Disabilities after vaccination27,277 19,7999,35312,593
Number of Office Visits130,794 46,019118,58944,655
# of Emergency Room/Department Visits94,107210,85678,396201,846
# of Birth Defects after vaccination 599 14935995
*Note that the total number of deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccines is greater than the number of deaths associated with all other vaccines combined since the year 1990.


[Note that the single counts before 2020-11-29 are due to incorrect date data in the VAERS system]

[Note that COVID19 counts for years before 2020 are due to incorrect date data in the VAERS system (including 1 not pictured due to date in 1921)]

[1 COVID19 record not pictured due to incorrect date in 1921]

Chart using comparable 9 month periods, since Covid-19 vaccines have only been available for approximately 9 months:

Adverse Events

Note that 925 records for COVID19 were scattered throughout years earlier than 2020 due to incorrect date data in the VAERS system]

Chart using comparable 9 month periods, since Covid-19 vaccines have only been available for approximately 9 months:

[Note that 1871 records for COVID19 were scattered throughout periods earlier than Dec’20-Sep’21 due to incorrect date data in the VAERS system]


The slide below was taken from an FDA document from October 22, 2020 and provides a list of possible adverse event outcomes related to the Covid-19 vaccines.

The following table lists the number of adverse events found in the VAERS data which match the outcomes listed above:

FDA Listed SymptomTotal (Non-Lethal) Adverse EventsTotal Deaths
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis1083
Transverse Myelitis2801
Narcolepsy, Cataplexy2004
Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)2840899
Autoimmune Disease85618
Other Acute Demyelinating Diseases2042
Pregnancy and birth outcomes (Miscarriages)252673
Other Allergic Reactions16013
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation15145
Venous Thromboembolism15287854
Arthritis and Arthralgia/Joint Pain55097169
Kawasaki Disease321
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome47335

Vaccination Related Risks of COVID19 Vs. Flu

These set of figures compare the COVID19 vaccine to the traditional Flu vaccines.  ‘Risk of Death’ percentages depend on the ‘# of Vaccinations’ data, which is only approximate, and was pulled from the CDC’s report on Flu vaccination coverage for the 2019-2020 season, and from Our World in Data for the COVID19 vaccinations.

Covid19 vaccinations through 5/31/2021 vs. Flu vaccinations 7/1/2019 – 5/31/2020 (last complete flu season)

Vaccine Type# of Vaccinations[3] # of DeathsRisk of DeathPercentageDeaths/Mill.
Flu167,447,642[1]321 in 5,232,7390.000019%.19
COVID19167,733,972[2]5,4931 in 30,5360.003275%32.75
Risk of dying from COVID vaccine is 171.4 times greater than Flu Vaccine
Vaccine Type# of Vaccinations[3]# of Adverse Reactions Risk of Adverse Reaction PercentageAEs/Mill.
Flu167,447,6429,7031 in 17,2570.005795%57.95
COVID19167,733,972515,0511 in 3260.3071%3,071
Risk of adverse reaction from COVID vaccine is 53 times greater than Flu Vaccine

[1] number of flu vaccinations based on estimated flu vaccine coverage data from CDC and estimated population data from US Census. Yearly flu vaccination data covers a period of time from 7/1 to 5/31 of the following year.
[2] number of covid19 vaccinations based on estimates from Our World in Data [2] number of covid19 vaccinations based on estimates from Our World in Data
[3] Persons vaccinated with at least one dose.

Vaccine Data by Manufacturer

Manufacturer# of Deaths% DeathsAverage Deaths/Day# US DeathsUS Doses AdministeredAverage US Deaths/Mill. DosesDays since EUA approvalEUA Approval Date-
Janssen (JNJ)1338  7.59%  5.62 89215,521,15457.472382/26/2021
Unknown  62  0.35% 37434,045
Manufacturer# of AEs% AEsAverage AEs/Day# US AEsUS Doses AdministeredAverage US AEs/Mill. DosesDays since EUA approvalEUA Approval Date
Janssen (JNJ) 644017.68%270.59 56886 15,521,154 3665.062382/26/2021
Moderna31806737.92%1032.69290391 156,602,727 1854.3230812/18/2020
Pfizer/Biontech45456554.19%1443.06275103 245,237,611 1121.7831512/11/2020
Unknown 1776 0.21% 1413 434,045

Vaccine Data by Gender

Vaccine Data by Location


  1. Vaccine data (Covid-19 and other vaccines) taken from CDC’s VAERS website, located here:  VAERS data sets in the form of csv files are pulled down weekly and put into a database for reporting/analysis. Data files are available all the way back to 1990.
  2. Number of doses distributed for other vaccines found in NVICP Data and Statistics report here:
  3. Numbers for Covid-19 vaccines administered by manufacturer found here:
  4. Numbers for total Covid-19 vaccine doses administered found here:
  5. Numbers for Flu vaccine doses administered for 2019-2020 season found here:
16 thoughts on “VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 10/22/2021”
  1. Based on the data, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ministers of Health, head of the CDC, FDA and WHO should be tried under the Nuremberg Code for crimes against humanity.

    Mandating these vaccines is clearly a crime.

    1. One problem everyone who signed up for this mass human experiment signed a waiver exempting pharma mafia of any responsibility. This shifts the blame to the consumer who will have to foot their own medical bills in the event they have debilitating reaction or even death. People should read thoroughly before signing their rights away to compensation. However, the lack of informed consent as they hide the volumes of deaths and disabling side effects is something to run with for justice within the Nuremberg Code. No one should of bought the fake theory its safe, when it takes a decade of controlled clinical studies to prove a experiment to this degree is safe. Americans always are trading in freedom for false security. Not enough Americans know they are subdued by blind patriotism since the first successful psychological operation on 9/11/2001 using trauma induced mind control. While that narrative defied basic laws of physics. Just as this current false narrative with the biological weapon Covid-19 our taxes funded via NIH grants at Wuhan Institute of Virology. Everything is to get Americans to cling tighter to a corrupt to the core government.

      1. I don’t know, were you get your information from. We are not signing away are rights. We have the choice to take the vaccine. Are freedom is not in question. If you think so you are wrong. Know is holding you down , marching you to the clinic to take the vaccine. With your choice there is consequence ie not being able to entry certain businesses . But you have the choice to change this by being vaccinated. But it’s your body your choice. But its my body and my choice not to have you infringe on my rights to be safe from the virus. So put on your big girl panties and get vaccinated

        1. I think you have been mislead on this. We DO NOT have the choice to take the vaccine in many instances.
          My son was forced to take the vaccine to go to the college he has already signed up with in early 2021.
          Only college in the country that has the major he wanted. My personal choice to skip getting the vaccine has not infringed on your rights.
          I hate to break it to you, but you are not safe from getting the virus. You can get the Covid even if you are vaccinated AND pass it on to others. You made the choice to just not get as ill with it.

        2. Spoken like a true stalinist! Can’t work, can’t travel, can’t purchase goods or services unless you take the jab. It’s not a vaccine if I have to take it so YOUR vaccine will work!! You fool!!

      2. And just how long is the, “pharma mafia” exempt from lawsuits? Forever?? No one, signed a waiverIt no longer takes a decade to test a vaccine, but I’d be willing to bet you’d spout that same silly rhetoric if a 50% fatal pandemic should occur in the future. Sorry, World; next pandemic, 3.5 billion people must die because Shana Bananas says so. As for 9/11, enlighten us, the uninformed, brainwashed masses. Show us your structural engineering degree. Give us all a lesson in the basic laws of Physics. Or are you going to give us a link to a YouTube University conspiracy theorist video? If you don’t like the way the U.S. works, move to someplace more to your liking, like Venezuela or North Korea.

  2. When reading this report one has to do fact check. As I believe some of this or most of this is untrue. All vaccines come with risk as with any medications we take. I am vaccinated and will take the booster vaccine when offered. All my so called traditioal vaccine require booster. Are up to date. Do we question these vaccines. Do we question these vaccines for are children. I asked my son when he vaccinated his son, he did not questioned these vaccines, he did not asked what the side effects were, he did not even signed a consent. But according to this report people ie children are dying of these vac. Is this in the news no. These vac are saving lives very day. How soon we forget.

    1. There is serious dishonest data posting here using VAERS. Those 17K COVID deaths does not mean those people died from COVID. It only means that those who have died had received the vaccine at some point prior to their death: not died from it. They are using it as an excuse to not receive the vaccine and to convince others to also not receive the vaccine. Since they are trusting the CDC data, they should also spread the CDC’s report on chances of dying with the vaccine versus the chances of dying withOUT the vaccine.

  3. Everyone with a WIFI connection is now a virologist, statistician, and legal expert in law. AND there are those who think this is somehow a way for gov to track people using the vaccines [education really failed you]. There are those who take it for granted whenever a company comes out and says “its safe” and the later we find it was run by “yes & incompetent people” ~~ “Flint Water”.
    I am typing this 6 hours after my 14 yo daughter was tested positive for COVID-19, all I can do is be supportive and pray for her to not impact her in the long haul. Also, today was my last day to submit to my employer the survey if whether I have been vaccinated or not – Per new mandates for companies with 100 or more.
    We strive to live a healthy life-style by trying to eliminate refined sugar intake and staying away from processed food – my wife cooks and she is a nut about label-reader.
    Reading about COVID19 death; you see that majority were obese, diabetics, or unhealthy.

    In summary, non of us really know for sure and there are no more facts ~ just illusion of facts to serve the premised narrative.

    1. We were promised by the government that vaers would have the most stringent and intensely observed monitoring of covid vaccine events. PEOPLE TRUSTED THIS .
      No data comparison should be considered true unless those who WERE vaxed within first 14 days Are included or in their own category. They should absolutely not be counted as non vaxed. That is the gray area attributing to THE HIGH RATE OF spike spread and shedding . I’m not STATISTICS PHD Or mathematician. But something just does not add up. The missing data necessary for accurate comparisons between the fully vaxed and the novaxed is the 14 day deadly interim period. It is vital. Until then this is INCONCLUSIVE.…. WAKE UP WOLLY WORLD…
      They don’t care. RISK OUTWEIGHS BENEFIT. EVEN ONE DEATH IS TOO MANY. Have mercy. On us…
      150 000 deaths from vaccine is too many. Now we have a pandemic. Wtf

      1. Stop lying. Stop watching YouTube University and reference your source for 150K deaths due to the vaccine and don’t you dare lie about the VAERs chart proving that 17K people died because of the vaccination; it says nothing of the kind. I have breaking news for you: we were in a pandemic BEFORE the vaccines came out. Now for that unintelligent statement about “RISK OUTWEIGHS BENEFIT. EVEN ONE DEATH IS TOO MANY. Have mercy. On us…
        150 000 deaths from vaccine is too many.” That is as cold and callus of a statement and point of view as anyone could ever make. You have as much said that if at some point in the future we get hit with a truly horrible pandemic there should be NO vaccine even if it means saving the World’s population, with only one death. Here’s your “missing data.”

  4. Some of these replies proves that no amount of evidence is enough for someone who is not willing to open their mind to logic and reasoning and to try to use their own critical thinking skills taught in Elementary School. 99% of the arguments people who are all for vaccine mandates, believe main stream media and censored big tech are weak and emotional…when someone refuses to face truth they cannot give a logical rebuttal to the factual, scientific, and statistical information provided. If it goes against what they “want to believe” emotion turns that person into a self righteous, egomaniac who uses shaming, name calling, demoralization, and media talking points to put down their fellow American. This pandemic has brought out the very worst and very best in people. In the end, history will reflect on this time as a scandalous era in America…a time when half the country was deceived by propaganda & powerful people let hundreds of thousands of people die because they hid effective treatment; more effective than the expensive vaccine and patented pharmaceuticals.

  5. And just how long is the, “pharma mafia” exempt from lawsuits? Forever?? No one, signed a waiver. It no longer takes a decade to test a vaccine, but I’d be willing to bet you’d spout that same silly rhetoric if a 50% fatal pandemic should occur in the future. As for 9/11, enlighten us, the uninformed, brainwashed masses. Show us your structural engineering degree. Give us all a lesson in the basic laws of Physics. Or are you going to give us a link to a YouTube University conspiracy theorist video?

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