NOTE: [It was recently discovered that there was an error in the figures for the Vaccination Related Risks of Covid-19 vs. Flu section. Up until now, this section was mistakenly including foreign reports when counting the # of Deaths and # of Adverse Reactions. Since the # of Vaccinations are strictly US numbers, it is incorrect to include foreign reports for Deaths and AEs. This has been corrected, and will be correct moving forward.]

All charts and tables below reflect the data release on 8/27/2021 from the VAERS website, which includes U.S. and foreign data, and is updated through: 8/20/2021

High-Level SummaryCOVID19 vaccines (Dec’2020 – present)All other vaccines 1990-present US Data Only
COVID19 vaccines (Dec’2020 – present)
US Data Only
All other vaccines 1990-present
Number of Adverse Reactions623,343815,029488,318714,672
Number of Life-Threatening Events 14,104 13,4267,8969,573
Number of Hospitalizations 55,821 77,86028,17437,720
Number of Deaths 13,627* 8,8796,1285,011
# of Permanent Disabilities after vaccination 17,794 19,0887,05912,021
Number of Office Visits100,965 42,37794,51641,095
# of Emergency Room/Department Visits 74,312209,00064,644200,074
# of Birth Defects after vaccination 376 13726688
*Note that the total number of deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccines is greater than the number of deaths associated with all other vaccines combined since the year 1990.


[Note that the single counts before 2020-11-29 are due to incorrect date data in the VAERS system]
[Note that COVID19 counts for years before 2020 are due to incorrect date data in the VAERS system]

Chart using comparable 9 month periods, since Covid-19 vaccines have only been available for approximately 9 months:

Adverse Events

Note that 701 records for COVID19 were scattered throughout years earlier than 2020 due to incorrect date data in the VAERS system]

Chart using comparable 9 month periods, since Covid-19 vaccines have only been available for approximately 9 months:

[Note that 1445 records for COVID19 were scattered throughout periods earlier than Dec’20-Jun’21 due to incorrect date data in the VAERS system]


The slide below was taken from an FDA document from October 22, 2020 and provides a list of possible adverse event outcomes related to the Covid-19 vaccines.

The following table lists the number of adverse events found in the VAERS data which match the outcomes listed above:

FDA Listed SymptomTotal (Non-Lethal) Adverse EventsTotal Deaths
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis652
Transverse Myelitis1970
Narcolepsy, Cataplexy1353
Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)2022708
Autoimmune Disease53715
Other Acute Demyelinating Diseases1311
Pregnancy and birth outcomes (Miscarriages)155842
Other Allergic Reactions10961
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation10835
Venous Thromboembolism10861650
Arthritis and Arthralgia/Joint Pain41461117
Kawasaki Disease271
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome33019

Vaccination Related Risks of COVID19 Vs. Flu

These set of figures compare the COVID19 vaccine to the traditional Flu vaccines.  ‘Risk of Death’ percentages depend on the ‘# of Vaccinations’ data, which is only approximate, and was pulled from the CDC’s report on Flu vaccination coverage for the 2019-2020 season, and from Our World in Data for the COVID19 vaccinations.

Covid19 vaccinations through 5/31/2021 vs. Flu vaccinations 7/1/2019 – 5/31/2020 (last complete flu season)

Vaccine Type# of Vaccinations# of DeathsRisk of DeathPercentageDeaths/Mill. Doses
Flu167,447,642[1]311 in 5,401,5370.000019%.19
COVID19167,733,972[2]52681 in 318400.003141%31.41
Risk of dying from COVID vaccine is 169.6 times greater than Flu Vaccine
Vaccine Type# of Vaccinations# of Adverse Reactions Risk of Adverse Reaction PercentageAEs/Mill. Doses
Flu167,447,6429,6601 in 17,3340.005779%57.69
COVID19167,733,972445,8621 in 3760.2658%2658.15
Risk of adverse reaction from COVID vaccine is 46.1 times greater than Flu Vaccine

[1] number of flu vaccinations based on estimated flu vaccine coverage data from CDC and estimated population data from US Census. Yearly flu vaccination data covers a period of time from 7/1 to 5/31 of the following year.
[2] number of covid19 vaccinations based on estimates from Our World in Data


Vaccine Data by Manufacturer

Manufacturer# of Deaths% DeathsAverage Deaths/DayDoses AdministeredAverage Deaths/Mill. DosesDays since EUA approvalEUA Approval Date-
Janssen (JNJ)  765  5.61%  4.3714,230,26653.761752/26/2021
Unknown  40  0.29%345,743
Manufacturer# of AEs% AEsAverage AEs/DayDoses AdministeredAverage AEs/Mill. DosesDays since EUA approvalEUA Approval Date
Janssen (JNJ) 507318.13%289.89 14,230,266 3565.011752/26/2021
Moderna23931836.36%976.81 144,290,127 1658.5924512/18/2020
Pfizer/Biontech33255753.30%1319.67 206,901,538 1607.3225212/11/2020
Unknown 1283 0.21% 345,743

Vaccine Data by Gender

Vaccine Data by Location

29 thoughts on “VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 8/20/2021”
    1. Why hasn’t the MSM reported on this? The American people should know how dangerous these Covid Vaccines are. I believe this is the real pandemic,they are vaccinating people to kill them for population control . My 25 year old step son got the 2nd dose last week Aug 23 2021 and passed away the next day. Why haven’t anyone brought this to the attention of the American people once again . What are they hiding,that there is no Covid -19 all made up BS.

      1. The MSM is entirely in the back pocket of big Pharma. I don’t have the exact figures, you can look it up yourself, but something like 70-80% of advertising revenue for the MSM networks comes from big Pharma. Similarly, big Pharma is consistently in the top 3-5 every year for big money lobbying in Congress, and the CDC/NIH are completely in bed with big Pharma. Is it any surprise at all why you don’t hear about vax death and injury from the MSM???…NO

      2. Why is correct. Why are we not hearing what physiology is more at risk? I believe it is because we are the test cases. We are the lab mice. Heaven help us.
        My mother died within 4 months of taking the vaccine, but had physical weakness within a few weeks.

        1. My condolences for your loss. This is the greatest catastrophe in human history. Pretty much everyone at this point knows someone (firsthand or secondhand) who has been injured or killed by these vaxxes. Whether they have awareness of the connection between injury and vax is another matter.

    2. so aorry to all. the real problem is people no longer believe in evil. Its all good —is the slang. evil exists and it is manifest in those who seek to steel kill and destroy. so much evil so little notice. This is not for money or power (they control this already) Funny how many people believe old men worth billions would really care about more? It almost a farce in the world today that people believe this is about money when those to push death, control the printing in the first place (as if money is majic and appears only when you sell something}.
      The prince of this world wants you dead the sooner you realize this the sooner you will understand what is really going on, Its all a mystery until you see the truth of pure evil and evils devotees. Two princes one wants to kill you the other offered himself for you to understand his love for you.

  1. I want to say thank you for publishing the VAERS data in readable fashion that I know we all wish they would just do themselves, this is tremendously helpful to look at it in this breakout form.

  2. Is it true that VAERS has removed 50,000 entries? I read this online but there is no source for the claim. Do you track if previous VAERS reports have been removed?

  3. Another question (sorry, I can’t edit…). Does “number of days after vaccination” correspond to “onset interval” in the VAERS database? Or maybe you are inferring it from some other variables? I would like to reproduce the results myself. Thanks for the work you do.

    1. The vaers data has 6 different date fields, but the only one that is always populated is the recvdate field. Therefore, everyone analyzing the data has to make some decisions about how to handle missing dates. For the chart you are looking at (assuming you are looking at the ‘number of deaths by days after covid19 vaccination’ chart), I am usually subtracting the vax_date from the datedied (to get the difference in days between the date of vaccination and the date of death). However, in instances where the vax_date is not available, I am using the onset_date instead (subtracting onset_date from the datedied). In cases where the datedied is not available, I am subtracting the onset_date from the vax_date.

  4. […] The cadets have multiple reasons for concern about vaccine safety. In August 2021 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced mandatory Covid vaccination for all military personnel. At that time it was well known that the severe effects of the disease spared the vast majority of the healthy military age cohort, and also well known was the presence of a disturbing number and variety of serious, adverse vaccine side effects reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). […]

  5. […] The cadets have multiple reasons for concern about vaccine safety. In August 2021 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced mandatory Covid vaccination for all military personnel. At that time it was well known that the severe effects of the disease spared the vast majority of the healthy military age cohort, and also well known was the presence of a disturbing number and variety of serious, adverse vaccine side effects reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). […]

  6. […] The cadets have multiple reasons for concern about vaccine safety. In August 2021 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced mandatory Covid vaccination for all military personnel. At that time it was well known that the severe effects of the disease spared the vast majority of the healthy military age cohort, and also well known was the presence of a disturbing number and variety of serious, adverse vaccine side effects reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). […]

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