Today, we highlight three teenagers who were in VAERS last week, but went missing this week. These are especially tragic reports as all three of these teenagers had their lives cut short after taking the experimental shots. The erasure of their records from VAERS is a tragedy as well, although it is certainly possible these were removed because they were ‘mistakes’.

With the attention that male teenagers have been getting lately with regards to myocarditis, it’s important to remember that females aren’t excluded from heart problems either. Case in point, a 15 year old female died from cardiac arrest after taking the Moderna vaccine:

A 15 year old male from California died one day after his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. This record is sparse on details.

The record below is for a 14 year old female from outside the US. The details suggest that since the vaccination date was 7/3/2020, the patient could not possibly have received the Covid-19 vaccine, since adolescents were only included in studies beginning in Oct 2020. So perhaps this record is truly a mistake? Or perhaps the consumer entering the report simply entered the wrong vaccination date and the CDC consequently struck this from the record?

Let’s pray for protection for all the children…

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