Last Friday (11/18/22), this notice showed up at the CDC’s VAERS download page:

The SYMPTOM_TEXT field, which is the main descriptive narrative text for a VAERS report, is now completely blank for all Foreign VAERS reports which are from Europe. The European VAERS records comprise 75% of the Foreign records (511,715 out of 680,200). Curiously, none of the Foreign records prior to the year 2000 were affected by this (though there are only 3,435 of them); either they were all non-European, or they were not subject to these rules.

This definitely has a detrimental effect on some of the resources/websites out there reporting on VAERS data. Any charts or data on that pull from or rely on information from the SYMPTOM_TEXT field for European VAERS reports would have been negatively affected. For this website’s weekly summary, it only appears to affect the Symptoms page (page 10), which attempts to gather data from the SYMPTOM_TEXT field for some of the listed symptoms.

Whether or not there were truly valid reasons for this change, this is undoubtedly another strike against transparency on the part of our regulatory agencies.

2 thoughts on “European VAERS Data Partially Purged”
  1. You chaps have done fantastic work in showing US only reports to VAERS since C19 injections started – from a very early stage.
    I got this reply a few weeks ago to an email sent to the EMA about where to find deaths and adverse events reported to EUDRA (presumably no VAERS numbers are reported to EUDRA!:
    “The official source of information for the public on adverse reactions in the EU is the European Database of suspected Adverse Reactions (, which shows reports that are sent to EudraVigilance, the EU database used for monitoring and analysing suspected side effects.
    On the adrreports website, once you have selected a vaccine, you can find the number of fatalities for a selected reaction under the 6^th^ tab (Number of Individual Cases for a selected Reaction), in the Outcomes section. However, please note that the sum of the number of fatal cases per reaction will always be higher than the total number of fatal cases. This is because this website provides the number of cases reported as fatal for specific reactions groups (e.g., cardiac disorders) and for specific reactions (e.g., myocardial infarction), and one individual case often contain more than one suspected side effect.
    EMA therefore publishes overall figures in the safety update reports – see section How safety is monitored on page 8 at the following link:
    Now, you maybe zero interest in accessing and assessing ANY EUDRA data. Lord knows I have tried, but it is beyond the capabilities of my little laptop and it’s in Oracle – yuck.
    The EU has injected around 50% more doses than the US – not far off the same per capita.
    Here is what another site recently compiled for EUDRA data. (the first slide shows the results of their work.
    Details of doses administered per manufacturer is here (you can change to many countries, but heavily censored countries like the UK are N/A):
    Out of interest, using EUDRA data, viral vector “vaccines” are 2-4 times more deadly and injurious than mRNA .
    See half way down this article here
    Anyways. Well done for the excellent work you do. You are my “go to” source for accurate and timely data from VAERS.
    Is V-safe now reporting events separately for the new bi-valent boosters amongst the 10 million (maybe now 12 million?) V-safe users?

    1. Thanks Peter! I like your substack as well. No time for Eudra…barely enough time for this site it seems. I don’t have real-time vSafe data…all we have is what ICAN got from FOIA request which is up through 12/31/21, so no info on bivalents. If and when ICAN can get the CDC to release the free-form text field information, the vSafe data might actually tell us something important.

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