Here is a more thorough and comprehensive breakdown of VAERS reports by symptoms for the Covid-19 vaccines vs. all other vaccines. Charts below include US and Foreign data. First we will show the raw counts of Adverse Events. Notice that for a good number of symptoms listed, the total number of adverse events reported in VAERS for the past 10 months for the Covid-19 jabs is actually higher than the total number of adverse events reported for the rest of the vaccines combined, despite having 32 years of data.

The difference becomes much more stark when you annualize the numbers. Essentially this means we are dividing the total number of adverse events for the non-Covid-19 vaccines by 32 years, and dividing the Covid-19 jab numbers by about 1 year.

Lastly, here is a representation of the multiplier needed to get from the annual adverse events reported per year for non-Covid vaccines to the number of adverse events reported per year for Covid jabs. For example, the annual incidence of stroke related to the Covid-19 jabs is 253 times the equivalent annual number for all the other non-Covid vaccines combined.

Someone give a holler if we are missing any major symptom(s) from these charts.

12 thoughts on “A More Comprehensive Symptom Breakdown: Covid-19 Vaccines vs. All Other Vaccines Combined”
  1. Why haven’t these charts been brought to the attention of congress? If they have, why haven’t we heard from them regarding the dangers of these vaccines?

  2. Why are we not seeing death? I would think by now it is well over 15,000. In October 2020 the CDC put out a draft/potential list of adverse events associated with Covid-19 vaccines – page 16 or 17. Why have they not put all of those neurological / histological concerns in this list.?

  3. “The difference becomes much more stark when you annualize the numbers. Essentially this means we are dividing the total number of adverse events for the non-Covid-19 vaccines by 32 years, and giving the Covid-19 jab numbers a slight bump up since we are not quite a full year into the rollout.”

    “and giving the Covid-19 jab numbers a slight bump up since we are not quite a full year into the rollout.”
    Please define this “slight bump”
    Is the data from 1/1/21 to 10/8/21 or 10/8/20 to 10/8/21?

  4. Six simple yes/no questions to ask Congress and the Pentagon:
    1. Does the SECDEF memo mandate the military to get an FDA LICENSED vaccine and all others are voluntary?  Yes
    2. Is the only currently available Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine AUTHORIZED for emergency use by FDA Letter of Authorization (LoA), under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act?  Yes
    3. Is the only currently available Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine APPROVED or LICENSED by FDA Letter of Authorization (LoA), under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act?  No
    4. Is COMRNATY, the only FDA LICENSED vaccine per FDA Letter of Authorization (LoA), under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act available in the U.S.?  No
    5. Do individuals “have the option to accept or refuse the EUA product and of any consequences of refusing administration of the product” according to the “Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities Guidance for Industry and Other Stakeholders” HHS, January 2017 Procedural OMB Control No. 0910-0595?  Yes
    6. Can the military be fired for refusing the only available voluntary, non-FDA-LICENSED, vaccines in the U.S. under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)?  NO!  See the problem…
    Remember, these are legal documents with real meaning and real consequences for our military. Ask the questions and demand the facts, not opinions from CDC, Politfact, USAToday, Newsweek or any non-legal entity. Our military deserves our support…before it’s too late…
    Paul Aufschlager
    LTC, USA Ret.

  5. Wow WayneTheDBA, thanks for all of the amazing work you’ve done! I just found your site and have been pouring through some of the info. I, too have been tracking the VAERS info weekly for the past 3 months, though admittedly using a far less sophisticated Excel spreadsheet. Seeing a breakdown of the data and the specific reactions in graph form really provides a much more powerful visual representation about the gravity of this devastating health crisis that has been coerced, and now forced, upon us. I agree with Ester (above) that Deaths should also be included in these datasets. Do you do have a video channel (Rumble, Odysee, YT, or any other) where you walk people through some of the information you present? It is SO important that people see this info! I can’t say for sure whether even this clear data would cut through the bizarre cognitive dissonance or possibly mind control that seems to be affecting the masses, but people seem to be ever so slowly waking up to the truth and gravity of this situation. Now that younger and younger kids are being fed into the fire by their unsuspecting and far too trusting parents, it feels like the situation has become that much more dire. I hope you are connecting with some of the movements trying to get information to the public, to the state and federal lawmakers who can help at policy level, and to the legal teams fighting for our health and freedom. The more we collaborate and work together to put an end to this crazy and horrifying sham, the quicker we can fix that which is dirty and corrupt and fix this horrendous mess. Thanks so much for what you’re doing to shed light on the dark shadow that currently has the upper hand. I believe the tides are shifting… thanks to so many courageous warriors of truth.

    1. Shelley, thanks for the kind words. No video channel for me. Yes, the cognitive dissonance out there is strong, we have witnessed the birth of a new religion — the branch Covidian cult. However, yes, the tides do appear to be shifting…many are working for medical health freedom both behind the scenes and out in the open…many efforts are ongoing.

  6. The CDC, NIH & others(Fauci. Walensky, etc.), must be removed.
    Put Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole,
    Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche in their place. These people come with the highest integrity and expertise and a passion for Humanity.

    It’s time to clean this corrupted cartel with Big Pharma out of gov.
    Fauci and Gates should be arrested and stand trial. *700 000 deaths, 85% of this figure should have survived if treated properly and early and not have fallen victim to intentional “Medical Homocide” for profits. Biggest worldwide crime against humanity . Justice must be served or this will continue.

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