A lawsuit has been filed in Brazoria County, TX requesting immediate injunctive relief and a TRO to prohibit a handful of pharmacy chains from administering any more so-called Covid-19 vaccines unless they first provide a true informed consent form, as required by law. The proposed consent form will list the vast array of serious adverse effects that can result from these experimental products. The named defendants are currently: CVS, HEB, LP, Wal-Mart, Kroger, Walgreen, and UTMB Healthcare Systems. The plaintiff, Larry Maxwell, is seeking additional plaintiffs to join his lawsuit in TX. If you or anyone you know has been injured or killed by these so-called vaccines administered by one of these pharmacies in TX, without first being provided true informed consent, please consider joining the lawsuit as a plaintiff. If you were similarly injured but received the shot somewhere else, new defendants can be added to the lawsuit. If you were similarly injured but in a different state, this lawsuit can be used as a template to file a similar suit in your own state. Assistance finding legal help to do so can be arranged.

Interested parties should visit: https://Failure2Warn.com, or send an email to: Info@failure2warn.com

Lawsuit documents are displayed below.

Application for TRO and Proposed Informed Consent Form (also available for download here):

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Lawsuit (also available for download here)

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Spread it far and wide people.

2 thoughts on “***ATTENTION***– Lawsuit Filed in Brazoria County, TX”
  1. I have a dear friend who had surgery. She was against the “vaccine” and still is. She is showing symptoms of getting the jab after her surgery. I don’t know where she got the surgery, but she lives in Lake Jackson, Texas. In Brazoria County. Is there any information that I can send to her?


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