It appears the people managing VAERS are toying with toddlers again. Guess Who’s Back? The two-year old boy from AK…can’t keep a good boy down I guess. He once was lost but now is found, or perhaps he’s back from VAERS “purgatory” is a more apt description. This boy was first “disappeared” from VAERS on 11/29/2021 (though technically never “officially” published), but now, 340 days later he is back in VAERS again. If you are unfamiliar with the story, you can get up to speed here:
The below record showed up in today’s (11/4/2022) VAERS release. The record seems pretty familiar. The first two sentences of the text description describing the death is exactly the same (though repeated 6 times in this case) as the previous record (1887456) which was never published. However, also notice that with this new VAERS record, that someone left out the ‘Patient Age’ and the ‘State/Territory’ information. As a consequence, searches based on the age (eg. 2-year olds) or state (eg. AK) will not actually retrieve this particular record, unless a search is conducted specifically against the text description, which does describe the victim as a 2-year-old male patient. Also, whereas the original report for 1887456 had no value for the ‘Split Type’ field, note that this current record does. Lastly, it appears this report was submitted by a contactable person from a “legal” division. Not sure who exactly this might be, but one thing is for certain, parts of the text description (which are not exactly flattering for the people at CDC/VAERS) were lifted straight out of this previous post about this 2-year old from yours truly. Specifically these sentences are lifted almost verbatim:
“If there were any way to locate, reach out to, and speak to the family of this 2 year old, … Let us not forget this 2 year old boy, who was a victim of the covid-19 inoculation program and whose life having been tragically snuffed out prematurely”.
“Based on this one example, we can conclude that it is certainly possible that VAERS is deliberately removing any records from ever being seen by the public that are clearly very incriminating. Is it just coincidence, that the record which the public would never have known about is the record of a 2 year old, who would have been ineligible to receive the Covid-19 inoculations (outside of a clinical trial)? And whom furthermore died within six hours of the inoculation in a horrible manner? Is this a form of silent censorship and gaslighting?”

Bets on whether this record gets erased next week???
The most damning part of this story not yet told until now is next…
[BTW, if you prefer looking at the CDC’s version of the report here’s a screenshot captured Nov, 5th, 2022]

Great that you guys hard work paid off as the majority of the world has been blinded by MSM and their “masters”.
Real Science has been replaced by $peed $cience and their paid $cienti$t$ in the name of the cash cow big pharma. Before this whole paranoia caused by U.S. gov through fraudcci financing virus and pathogens in communist china leaked by purpose or not, any so called va ccine which killed a child or any other age group above very low numbers would be taken out of market, nowadays seems that corruption took over above everyrhing else thanks to the Golden Calf idolatry of the ” masters”… Sad state of things the elite turned this OUR world into. But history and its lessons never fail and soon “they” will fall into The People’s hand again like many times before and again we all gonna breath peacefully with Freedom along again. All the best to you and your awesome team!
If a manufacturer reports something, the VAERS people usually let the manufacturer editorialize all over it. You see that a lot when the Split Type is pfizer. They’re using your blog as an excuse to introduce information about this 2-year old boy so that they don’t have to put the real information in, which they are presumably trying to erase as a ‘fake report submitted to VAERS’ or something like that. And then they can be like… our data is unreliable because the public reported it, therefore we don’t need to act on the safety signals.
They’re probably working with Pfizer’s legal department to do some kind of mental gymnastics here. Great work by the way.
(*I wish I had know about all these safety signals before I got injured by my second shot of Pfizer.)