“Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in US history.” — your safety-minded friends at the CDC

Today we will fact check the claim that the novel Covid-19 jabs have undergone the most intense safety monitoring in US history. We will evaluate this claim in light of the CDC’s responses to a couple FOIA requests regarding the death report of a 2-year old boy from Alaska. If you don’t know the backstory on this particular VAERS record, here it is:

The first FOIA request regarding the original record (VAERS ID: 1887456) was sent out on December 16, 2021 by Aaron Siri’s group on behalf of the ICAN organization (though initiated by yours truly and WelcometheEagle88). The request asked for “Documents reflecting why the VAERS report attached hereto is not currently available in VAERS” (referring to record 1887456).

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Below is the response received back from the CDC on February 14, 2022: “A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request“. In other words, as far as the CDC/VAERS is concerned, they have no documented evidence or trace of this record ever being in existence.

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Here is where the story gets interesting…in March 2022, another party submitted a FOIA request asking for any emails (along with any associated attachments) containing the VAERS ID (1887456) which may have been sent from certain people at the CDC, including people like Tom Shimabukuro (avy6@cdc.gov) and John Su (ezu2@cdc.gov). According to the below response received in May 2022, they located “16 pages of responsive records“:

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The actual 16 pages of email records are shown below. Notice how the response is almost completely redacted. On page 3 they claim “We think we are seeing an increasing number of false or fraudulent VAERS reports. For example, the other day we detected a death report in a child that is clearly a fake.

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So not only did the top brass at the CDC know about this record, but they possibly referred to it as a fake record (although it seems likely they were speaking about 1887456, it is not crystal clear), while revealing no documentation or record of any investigation or analysis to substantiate and determine if, in fact, it was a fake record.

Therefore, we can conclude that:

They lied or concealed the truth in the first FOIA response when they stated they had no documents related to the VAERS death record of the 2-year old, when in fact they had 16 pages of emails in which they discussed this death record.

They possibly claimed that the death record was false or fake in the second FOIA response while redacting almost the entirety of the contents of the 16 pages of emails records. If indeed they were claiming that the death record was fake, then they also revealed that they completely lack any evidence for this claim (nothing from the 1st FOIA response, then nothing from the 2nd FOIA response besides redacted emails), strongly suggesting that the claim was a completely arbitrary one, made without any evidence that an investigation had taken place. If they did have records of an investigation into this death record, those documents should have been revealed in the first FOIA request. If the 16 pages of email records somehow constitutes “proof” of such an investigation, then the contents of those emails should have been revealed and should have shown this; instead, the emails were almost completely redacted.

Therefore, whereas the CDC stated in February that they had no documentation regarding VAERS ID: 1887456, (in effect telling us that this record doesn’t exist), by May the CDC revealed an email trail that, despite the heavy redactions, showed completely otherwise– that the record did indeed exist, that there were discussions about it, and that they had possibly decided (based on who knows what?) that it was a false record.

As was alluded to in a previous post about 1887456, the fact that a VAERS death record existed which was never officially published, but simply “hidden” from public view, opens up a whole can of worms and stinks to high heaven of a cover-up operation. And then to effectively claim the record doesn’t exist, only to be later caught discussing the same record behind closed doors reeks of dishonesty, obfuscation, and malfeasance. Is it any wonder many people have stopped trusting the talking heads from the CDC?

If they can do this to a 2-year old boy with impunity, what level of naïveté is required to believe they haven’t done this before? More than likely they have run this play many times over in order to conceal inconvenient records which might cast a dark and disturbing shadow over the whole “safe and effective” jab narrative. There are after all, many gaps in the sequential ordering of VAERS_IDs indicating there are thousands of missing reports (note that we are making the reasonable assumption that VAERS_IDs are assigned in order, with each subsequent report being incremented by 1). Ever since the roll-out of these novel Covid-19 jabs, there have been approximately 50,952 new empty “slots” for which a VAERS_ID could have been published, but for which no VAERS report exists. Some of these gaps are for records which were published at one point in time, but were then deleted from the system in subsequent weeks (24,491 according to latest count, though my deleted reports data goes back no further than 2/5/21). The rest of these empty VAERS_ID slots, all 26,461 of them, could very well be reports which have never officially been published, such as VAERS_ID 1887456, the death report of the 2-year old from Alaska. [Side note: for comparison, prior to the roll-out of the Covid-19 jabs and going back to the beginning of VAERS in 1990, there were 69,741 empty VAERS_ID slots.]

With regards to reports that were previously in the system, but were subsequently deleted and are no longer publicly available, note that there has been thus far no explanation on the part of the CDC about the reasoning behind their removal, nor even an acknowledgment of their removal. That would be just another strike against public transparency.

If the CDC has nothing to hide, why does it continually behave as if it’s hiding something? We are either dealing with a criminal cover-up of enormous magnitude, or we are dealing with the most incompetent safety-monitoring goons in US history.

Finally, recall again that the CDC has described that the Covid-19 vaccines have been subject to “the most intense safety monitoring in US History“. Based on their own statements via FOIA requests, we will have to go ahead and give this claim a “Pants On Fire” false rating:

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